Starting a Family Once and For All

Gestational Diabetes Avoidance Tips For Women Looking To Conceive

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If you have been considering having a baby, you need to be aware of the potential risks associated with gestational diabetes. A potential threat for every pregnant woman, gestational diabetes is diabetes that develops during pregnancy. The good news is that there are some things that you can do to minimize your risk of developing diabetes during your pregnancy. Here are a couple of tips to help you. Preparation Starts Before Conception Read More»

Traveling Out of the Country? Find a Physician's Practice and Get Checked Out First

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If you aren’t up to date on your vaccinations and you plan on traveling outside of the country, you want to visit a medical practice. It can be hard to get in for an appointment right away if you don’t have a family physician that you see on a regular basis, so you will want to call a clinic that has more than one physician and explain that you are leaving the country to see if you can get a reserved appointment or to get in urgently. Read More»

Things To Expect During A Comprehensive Health Exam As An Elderly Patient

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As an older adult, you are likely highly familiar with the typical physical exam that you may have gotten from your primary care physician. However, if it is recommended that you get a comprehensive health exam, you may be surprised at just how different this evaluation of your health is compared to a typical physical exam. These exams are often prescribed for older individuals to better understand what their health needs will be as they grow older. Read More»

Tips For Adjusting To New Hearing Aids

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If you’ve been having problems with your hearing for a long time, and are finally getting hearing aids, then you may feel that adjusting to them is difficult. While adjusting to hearing aids is often compared to adjusting to new glasses, it’s actually quite different. With glasses, you usually see more clearly right away, but hearing aids take a little more time to adjust. After all, your brain has adapted to your hearing loss and needs to “ Read More»

Three Ways Breast Reconstructive Surgery Can Boost Your Ego After Beating Cancer

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Going through cancer is an incredible struggle and one that you should feel proud for getting through. It can be hard for women to lose breast tissue in the fight to beat cancer, but if it was necessary to save your life, it was well worth it. If you’ve been struggling with your new appearance since then, you should consider doing something about it. Here are three ways that going for breast reconstruction surgery can get you feeling like yourself again. Read More»