4 Things You Should Do When Your Baby Is Sick
Your baby's health and wellness is your number one priority. Babies are so small and fragile that even the slightest illness can seem catastrophic. Rest assured, most common illnesses are not dangerous for your baby. The most important thing you can do is remain calm and approach the situation rationally. Here are four things you should do when your baby is sick:
1. Monitor your baby's temperature.
Most common cold symptoms can make your baby uncomfortable, but they don't put your child's life at risk. However, a fever can be dangerous is babies who don't yet have a strong immune system. When your baby is sick, you should monitor their body temperature closely. According to WebMD, a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher is considered a fever. If your baby is older than 3 months, you should take them to a doctor if their temperature exceeds 102 degrees.
2. Ensure your baby is getting plenty of fluids.
Illness can make your baby fussy and cranky. They may not have a large appetite. However, sickness can quickly dehydrate your child. Make sure they're drinking adequate fluids. Offer a bottle frequently. If they are no longer drinking milk or formula, you can offer water or juice. If you serve your baby juice, it's a good idea to dilute it to ensure your child isn't getting too much sugar in their diet. Make sure your baby is producing wet diapers throughout the day.
3. Call your child's doctor.
You may be tempted to take your child to the doctor at the first sign of illness, but it's better to call first, if possible. If you're concerned about your baby's well-being, call your pediatrician during office hours and describe your baby's symptoms. Based on your description, the pediatrician can tell you if they think you should bring your child in for a checkup. An unnecessary doctor visit can expose your child to new germs and disrupt their rest, so it's best avoided if possible.
4. Take your child to the pediatrician.
If your newborn child has any fever at all, or if your older baby's temperature rises above 102 degrees, you should take them to the doctor immediately. You should also take your child to the pediatrician if they show any signs of difficulty breathing, or if their condition doesn't improve within a week. If your baby's mucus is green or yellow, they may have a sinus infection that will need to be treated by doctor-prescribed antibiotics.
For more help, contact a company like Ada Pediatrics PA.