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Three Things To Tell Your Child About His Or Her Medical ID Bracelet

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If your child is young when he or she is tested and found to have a serious food allergy, the child may not be concerned — but you definitely should be. Your child’s doctor will commonly recommend that your child wear a piece of medical ID jewelry, usually a bracelet, that reveals his or her allergy for people to see. As an adult, you likely understand the importance of this bracelet, but your child may not. Read More»

3 Things You Need To Know About Dupuytren's Contracture

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Dupuytren’s contracture is a condition that causes the fascia (the tissue located throughout the hand and palm) to thicken and tighten. The process typically occurs over a period of several years. Lumps form underneath the skin, eventually hindering the movement of the hand. Check out a few important details you should know about Dupuytren’s contracture. 1. Dupuytren’s Contracture Appears to Be at Least Partly Genetic One notable characteristic about Dupuytren’s contracture is that the condition does not seem to be an overuse injury. Read More»

Reasons To Emphasize An Apple A Day To Your Child

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Many of today’s adults grew up hearing the adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Your own parents may have emphasized this phrase, and now that you’re a parent, it may pop into your mind, too. Where your child’s health is concerned, this is more than just a catchy rhyme — eating apples can indeed be beneficial for your child’s health. While you should never feel a desire to keep the child’s pediatrician “ Read More»

Protecting Your Feet When You're Not Ready To Give Up Heels

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Whether you enjoy a boost of height or just like the confidence that wearing high heels can give you, you may ignore or brush off your podiatrist’s caution that these shoes aren’t the best thing for your orthopedic health. But in some cases, wearing too-tight shoes or those that offer support in all the wrong places can literally cripple your ability to wear anything but orthopedic shoes in the future. Read on to learn more about protecting your feet without giving up high heels. Read More»

Important Things You Know About Your Child And Strep Throat

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One of the most difficult things about being a parent is being responsible for another persons health and well being. You have to know when it is the right time to take your child to the doctor, when to wait it out, what treatment to give them and so much more. Strep throat is a common illness that affects many children and if left untreated can lead to unfortunate problems. Here are some things you need to know about strep throat so you can be confident that you are choosing the right time to take them to the doctor. Read More»

3 Tips For Recovering From Hand Surgery

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Hand surgery is a delicate operation involving many important nerve endings and tendons. While recovering from hand surgery, it is important to follow the instructions of your orthopedic surgeon and treat your hand very carefully. Good post-operative care can speed up your recovery time and help you avoid complications and further injury. Here are a few tips for optimal recovery from your hand surgery: Prepare to Ask for Help After your surgery, your hand will most likely be immobilized in a cast for weeks. Read More»

Is Your Baby Getting Enough Milk? 3 Ways To Tell

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One common worry for new mothers who are breastfeeding is that their baby may not be getting enough to eat. This fear can lead mothers to stop breastfeeding entirely or to start supplementing with formula. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends breastfeeding exclusively until the baby is six months old, and continuing to breastfeed with complementary foods until the baby is two years old. Being aware of the signs that your baby isn’t getting enough milk can alert you to a potential problem, but it can also ease unfounded fears and allow you to continue breastfeeding longer. Read More»

What Kinds Of Treatments Can Be Provided At Urgent Care For The Flu?

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Cold and flu viruses are impossible to avoid and you will often need to wait out the illness before you start to feel better. While this is true, there are certain situations where you want to seek assistance from a physician or from a facility like an urgent care center. Uncontrollable diarrhea, a high grade fever, and intense vomiting can all be signs that you need medical assistance. If you do visit an urgent care center, the following treatments may be provided. Read More»

What To Expect From Toenail Fungus And How To Avoid An Infection

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If your toenails haven’t been looking quite the same lately, the changes in their appearance could be due to a fungus. However, there is no need to question your personal hygiene. Toenail fungus does not occur due to a lack of cleanliness.  Most people encounter toenail fungus in public areas, such as locker rooms. Fungi grow best in areas that are warm, moist and dark, such as the spaces between your toes. Read More»

Understanding Some Of The Signs Of A Brain Tumor

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It is important to make sure that you are closely monitoring your health and that you are consulting with your trusted medical doctor should you feel that anything is majorly wrong with you, especially if it is something that could be dangerous, such as a brain tumor. Want to make sure that you are aware of the signs that it is time to consult with a specialist for tests to look for a brain tumor? Read More»