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Storing Your Eyeglass Or Sunglasses

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If you frequently find yourself running around the house on a search for your eyeglasses or sunglasses, consider finding an attractive and functional storage solution that will ensure that you’ll always have a pair of reading glasses or sunglasses close at hand. Single Pair Storage People with prescription lenses likely only have two pairs of glasses – prescription eyeglasses and prescription sunglasses – because they can be very expensive. Store those glasses when they’re not in use in a special spot. Read More»

What Will You Need To Do To Prepare For Your Tummy Tuck?

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If you have a flabby and wide stomach that will not shrink when you follow a strict exercise and diet plan, then you may decide on surgical intervention to get rid of your troublesome tummy. A tummy tuck is one of these surgeries, and the procedure requires you to do several things to prepare for the operation. Keep reading to learn about a few essential things you likely will be asked to do. Read More»

Tips For Making Appropriate Family Planning Decisions

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When you feel like you are ready to start a family there are many factors you should consider before trying. Making better family planning decisions now can make starting a family and having subsequent children a little easier. Planning Your First Baby Many couples are over the moon when they think about becoming first-time parents, but there are a few aspects to consider, such as timing. First and foremost, you should arrive at the decision when you feel like you are ready to start a family at any time, even if it does not happen immediately. Read More»

Infertility In Men: Causes And Procedures

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For nearly twelve percent of people in the United States, infertility can be a disappointing roadblock on the path to parenthood. Infertility was once thought to be exclusively a women’s issue, but modern research has shown that men account for infertility over one-third of the time. Though it may be frustrating for men emotionally, they can still experience a masculine libido and healthy relationship with their spouse. It is important to remember that infertility doesn’t affect your manliness. Read More»

Blue Light and Macular Degeneration: Every Day Counts When It Comes to Protecting Your Vision

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There’s still no cure for age-related macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of blindness among the elderly. However, there are a number of things that you can do to lessen your chances of getting the disease and slow its progression if you have it. One of the biggest things that you can do is buy eyewear that provides blue light protection. If you’re unsure about what the big deal is with blue light, this is what you should know. Read More»

Treatment Options For COPD

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If your physician has diagnosed you with COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), you may be wondering exactly what that means. The acronym COPD covers several different chronic lung diseases, including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and some forms of asthma. Emphysema is almost always a result of decades of smoking, although those with lung impairment to begin with, such as asthma, may receive this diagnosis sooner than their middle-aged or elderly counterparts. Smoking can also cause chronic bronchitis in younger smokers. Read More»

The Four Important Roles Of A Pediatric Plastic Surgeon In Your Newborn's Life

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A pediatric plastic surgeon does more than repair the appearance of young children. In fact, a pediatric plastic surgeon can play a big role in your newborn’s life, especially if your newborn may possibly need plastic surgery for health reasons when they are born. Here are the four important roles a pediatric plastic surgeon plays: Checks Developmental Issues Before Baby Is Born: If there are any concerns about the development of your baby while still in the womb, a pediatric plastic surgeon will check it out. Read More»

A Few Reasons To Keep Your Pediatrician Throughout High School

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As your child enters the teen years, you may be wondering if it is time to switch from a pediatric doctor to an adult doctor. While every child and every situation is different, there are a number of good reasons to stay with the pediatrician. If there is a problem or concern your child’s doctor feels would be better handled by a different type of medical professional, he or she will make a referral for it. Read More»

3 Tips For Recovering From Corrective Eye Surgery

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If you have recently received corrective eye surgery, it is very important that you take the time to allow your eyes to fully recover. Doing this will ensure that the procedure is a successful one and will also keep you from causing any unnecessary damage to your eyes. Your eye doctor will give you a detailed list of things that are either required or recommended for your recovery. This will help you know exactly what you can and can’t do. Read More»

How To Treat A Rotator Cuff Injury At Home

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If you feel a stabbing pain after raising your arm, it may be a rotator cuff injury. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that cover the humerus. These muscles help lift and turn your arm. Rotator cuff pain can come from activities that constantly keep your arm over your head , such as tennis or painting.You should be able to treat the pain of a mild rotator cuff injury at home. Read More»