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Infertility In Men: Causes And Procedures

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For nearly twelve percent of people in the United States, infertility can be a disappointing roadblock on the path to parenthood. Infertility was once thought to be exclusively a women's issue, but modern research has shown that men account for infertility over one-third of the time. Though it may be frustrating for men emotionally, they can still experience a masculine libido and healthy relationship with their spouse. It is important to remember that infertility doesn't affect your manliness. Most times the only symptom of infertility is not a lack of performance, but the missing second pink line at the end of a pregnancy test.

When to see a Doctor:

Before you see physician, there are some things you can do to help your chances of getting pregnant. Focus on improving your quality of health at home. Being overweight can affect fertility as well as Illegal drugs, marijuana, tobacco, alcohol, hormonal supplements, and hot tubs. After you have cut these contributing factors, doctors recommend trying to conceive for twelve months before coming in for a fertility evaluation. For couples above thirty years old, it's suggested they only wait six months.

Exams and Procedures:

During male fertility evaluations, doctors will check if infertility is caused by low sperm count, sperm being blocked or misdirected, or a variety of other issues. Doctors will perform a physical examination, take a sperm sample for evaluation and may also ask for genetic testing or a biopsy. Once they have determined the cause they will be able to move forward with choosing an appropriate procedure for you. These procedures might include surgery or a regiment of luteinizing hormones. However, about one-half of low sperm count cases have no identifiable cause, with no suggested procedure to correct the low count. If this is the case, doctors might suggest moving on to an assisted reproductive technique (ART).

Reproductive Assistance:

There are a number of ART options. During Intrauterine (or Artificial) Insemination, sperm will be injected directly into the woman's uterus or cervix during ovulation in the hope that the egg is fertilized and conception occurs. Invitro Fertilization requires extracting eggs from the woman and combining them with sperm in a test tube. Once the eggs are fertilized, they will be implanted into the uterus and monitored with the hope of a healthy pregnancy to follow. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is similar to Invitro, however doctors inject a sperm directly into the egg, ensuring fertilization and then implant the egg into the uterus. Many couples have experienced successful pregnancies because of these types of procedure.

Infertility can be a long road filled with complications, hope, and devotion to your partner. Find ways to manage the emotional stress of infertility by joining a support group, talking about your feelings with friends and family members, and finding moments of calm through meditation and relaxation. For more information or assistance, contact establishments like Advanced Urology Associates.
