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3 Tips To Help You Deal With Your Allergies This Fall

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Do you deal with seasonal allergies? If so, fall is one of the worst possible times of year for you thanks to the cooler temperatures and falling leaves. One plant that tends to get people's allergies going is ragweed, as it is a huge pollen producer. Even if you aren't allergic to ragweed, mold can still get you. Regardless of what triggers your allergies during the fall season, here are a few tips to keep you from suffering too much:

Tip #1: Reduce Exposure

The most ideal way to keep your allergies at bay this fall and at any time throughout the year is to avoid potential allergy triggers. Often during the fall, you will turn the air conditioner off and open up your windows since the weather is cooler. However, if you are allergy-prone, then this isn't something you want to do. Instead, you need to keep those windows closed.

When you are outdoors, it can be tempting to leave your vehicle windows down so that you can feel the air on your face. However, you will want to ensure that your vehicle windows are up so that the pollen isn't blowing directly in your face.

Tip #2: Keep Tabs on Pollen/Mold Counts

There is a particularly handy online tool that will allow you to track the pollen and mold counts. While you do have to go to school/work, there are certain days that you can limit your exposure outside. You will want to try to stay indoors on bad days. Also, keep an eye on the weather. If it is a warm, dry day, then your allergies are going to act up worse than if it is a rainy, wet day.

Tip #3: Rinse Off Pollen

At the end of the day when you come home, make sure to take the time to take a shower and change your clothes. This allows you to rinse off any pollen that got on you while you were outdoors and ensures that you don't take it to the furniture and especially your bed.  

If you tend to suffer a great deal from allergies, consider speaking to an allergy specialist about treatment options. While there is over-the-counter medication that you can take, sometimes it just doesn't work. However, a specialist, such as from The Regional Allergy Asthma & Immunology Center, PC, can perform an allergy test to determine exactly what is causing your allergies and determine the best course of treatment to put a stop to your allergies so that you can get back to your life. 
