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Here A Hair, There A Hair, Everywhere, A Hair, Hair! Understanding PCOS And Facial Hair

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If you have PCOS, you may be embarrassed by the unwelcome changes that are taking place in your body. One of the most distressing physical symptoms is the appearance of facial hair. Hair growth on the chin and above the lip is common in PCOS:

A complex syndrome

 Polycystic ovarian syndrome, commonly called PCOS, is a disorder of the endocrine system that affects women of child-bearing age. The ovaries become enlarged and may harbor cysts. These cysts are not harmful but can lead to an imbalance in the production of hormones.

The sex hormones are primarily the ones affected. A small amount of male hormones (androgens) are produced in the ovaries in all healthy women. If you have PCOS, your ovaries begin to increase the production of male hormones. This results in the ovaries not working normally. Ovulation ceases which leads to an increase in facial and body hair, acne, fertility problems, and weight gain.


PCOS can lead to serious health issues. Insulin resistance may occur in some instances. When the body can't utilize insulin properly, blood sugar levels rise. Eventually this can lead to an increased risk of developing diabetes.

High insulin levels and diabetes can lead to coronary artery disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart attacks.

Becoming pregnant is often difficult. When conception does take place, PCOS increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and gestational diabetes. Women with PCOS have a greater chance of developing uterine cancer in the reproductive years.


Your doctor may prescribe birth control or hormone medications to reduce your symptoms. You should eat a healthy diet that is low in fat and sugars. Strive to add fiber, lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits to your diet. Losing even a small amount of weight will often benefit PCOS sufferers.

Exercise is helpful to keep weight down and can aid in healthy digestion. Replace sweetened beverages with plenty of fresh water. Exercise may also help alleviate the symptoms of depression which can occur due to PCOS.

Getting rid of excessive hair

Resist the urge to remove facial hair by shaving. This will cause the hair to grow back thicker and darker. You may want to schedule an appointment with a laser hair removal specialist to discuss your condition. Hair growth caused by hormones may not be easy to get rid of, but laser treatments can help to keep the hair growth under control and thin it out while you work with your physician to get your hormone levels regulated.

You should work with your healthcare team to get your polycystic ovarian syndrome under control. Take care of your body by eating healthy and exercising consistently. Don't be afraid to seek professional laser treatment for the removal of your excessive facial hair. Investing in your self-esteem is worth the cost of the treatment.

To learn more, contact a company like Defy Nature LLC with any questions you have.
